Under the California Statewide System of Support, the Ways 2 Equity Playbook (W2EPB) is the work of the California Equity Performance and Improvement Program (CEPIP) of the Inclusion Collaborative at the Santa Clara County Office of Education (SCCOE). The two year, 2.5 million dollar CEPIP grant was authorized in 2018 by Assembly Bill 99 to "support and build capacity within County Offices of Education (COEs), Local Education Agencies (LEAs), and schools to promote equity for disadvantaged student populations in California schools." From this funding, the SCCOE Inclusion Collaborative established the California 1: Highway to Success for All (CA1). One of two state Equity Leads, the SCCOE developed the W2EPB, which is a guidebook for supporting hands-on equity work at the school, LEA, and COE levels with particular focus on the following three student groups: Students who are African American, Students who are English Learners, and Students with Disabilities.
See previous recordings of Equity Institutes and the Navigating Equity Network.
Access to documents to support your equity journey.
Free online courses for your Ways 2 Equity journey.