Free online courses for professional learning. In each course, educators learn, reflect, and apply evidence-based practices to support students within the general education classroom. Course content includes multiple means of engagement, representation, and action/expression with flexible pathways to demonstrate understanding and application.

Supporting Students with Disabilities

How do we design curriculum to provide quality first instruction in the general education classroom (online, in-person, and hybrid) for students with disabilities?

Anticipated time: 10 hours

CEU available from San Jose State University

Inclusive Best Practices for English Learners

How do we build the foundation for providing first quality instruction in the classroom for English learners?

Anticipated time: 10 hours

CEU available from San Jose State University

Culturally Appropriate Anti Bias Teaching

How are you harnessing and developing your cultural proficiency to empower all learners? How are you designing learning and teaching to break patterns of inequity?

Anticipated time: 10 hours

CEU available from San Jose State University